A Japanese mystery horror story about a boy who transfers to a middle school with a cursed class and becomes involved in a series of gruesome deaths.
You have a cool Horror Story IDEA.
What's Next?
----- Original Message -----
You know the basic idea in a horror school story; terrible incidents
occurred at school, mysterious accidents, disappearances, and murders. Mostly the stuff of bad memories and ghost stories… Our heroes think
it's a good idea to test these stories and are dragged into an inner
dimension of hell by the ruthless psychopathic ghost who's main goal in
life was being her bullies sole murderer. (And killing other innocent
people along the way.) Eventually through her interactions within the
protagonists she begins to show a kinder and sweeter side behind closed
doors and frees them.
-- Wanna Write a Horror School Story
It sounds like you have a basic idea.
Now comes The Hard Part:
From: Another
Who the Main Point of View (POV) Character?
WHO is Telling the main overall Story?
Traditionally, stories are Not told from the Hero's point of view, (POV,) nor the Adversary/Villain's POV. They're told from the POV of the Victim; someone Wronged by the Villain (Monster,) then Betrayed by the Hero.
In Another, the character Mei Misaki is Wronged by the monster by being forced into playing the monster's part as a Proxy monster making her an Outcast to her whole class. She is Betrayed by the Hero when he accuses her of being behind one of the murders.
Sometimes the story is told from the POV of an Ally to either the Hero or the Monster; also Wronged by one then Betrayed by the other. However, this is rare in Horror stories. It is far more common in Other World/Isekai stories.
- Note: In Romances, the Adversary/Villain and the Hero are often the same character.
It's your story though, so do as you please.
If you choose to tell the story from a Monster's POV, you might want to consider using a Gothic story structure, rather than the ordinary Adventure plot; AKA: The Hero's Journey, that most common Horror stories use.
Gothics tend to focus on the Monster's struggle between their Human nature, and their Monster nature -- while dealing with people trying to kill them.
- Examples: The Wolfman, Frankenstein, The Count of Monte Christo, The Matrix, Spider-Man. For Anime: Ergo Proxy, Shiki, Another, Tokyo Ghoul, Darker Than Black...

What is your target Word Count?
- Short Story: 5000 to 10,000 words.
- One POV character, one Ally, one Adversary
- Novelette: 10,000 - 20,000 words
- One POV character, 2-3 Allies, one Adversary
- Novella: 20,000 - 40,000 words
- One POV character, 2-5 Allies, 1 Main Adversary, 1 lesser Adversary
- Category/Light Novel: 40,000 - 60,000 words
- 2 POV characters, 2-3 Allies for each POV character, 1 Main Adversary shared by both POV characters, and 1 lesser Adversary for each POV character.
- Novel: 60,000 - 100,000 words.
- Up to 3 POV characters, 2-3 Allies for each POV character, 1 Main Adversary shared by ALL POV characters, and 1 lesser Adversary for each POV character.
- A series?
- New Villain each episode, or every three episodes.
- One major Boss Villain working behind the scenes per season.
- Remember: Each POV character is telling Their Own Story, which means Each of those stories need a satisfying END.

- Revenge?
- Redemption?
- Justice?
- All Three?
Make Each of the main characters have their own Personal Premise, Proving or Disproving them through the Results of their Individual Stories.
- Oh wait, you're supposed to do that. Never mind.

the story will practically write itself.